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Coming Days
Created by Dunyazad
Let's read this book now
Our minds leaning together
Sharing premises
Premier Symptom
In a far-off land*
Lived a hero good and true
(*It would have to be.)
Francis Vegan-Bacon
lost souls gravitate
and like atoms spin askew
in new directions
Slippery Tennessee
The mutual quest
Of the all-star ensemble:
Find our place within
Ellie Bilyot
Internal battles
A psychic legal wrangle
The weak flesh wins out
Spinning Jenny
Words are a tarot
How do those tea leaves taste now
In bitter fools mouths
Hert Ewe
In this fractured land
We outstare the horizon
Holding hands behind
Paltry Jungle-Fowl
What comes next is us
Bound to rocks by heart-string twine
Facing the breakers
JC Boneyard
Copyright ©2025 Respective Authors
Book generated on Monday 22nd March 2021
Created at
Kung Fu Haiku
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