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poems for my mother
Created by Lettie
the river sings
under a heavy velvet sky
prayers to the mud gods
mocking prophet
flashing cheerful white and black
where is your mate?
Lazy hungry girl
Sells her soul to the Breville.
Tasty triangles.
coming apart in my hands
spilling secrets
eternal big sister
spends crisp autumn evenings
mending broken things
a pale blue morning
the day spills its first sunbeam
shells in our pockets
Les toiles d'araignées
marquent son chemin du retour.
Un nouveau départ.
under polyester
dreamers dreaming intertwined
rest like buried treasure
rosy at the gym
elderly weightlifter breaks wind
what fresh hell
wintry wanderings
even the streetlights are tired
blinking down at me
soft satellites
orbiting absurdity
pass the time
If buds can open
delicate, drowsy, hopeful
Maybe we can too
Copyright ©2025 Respective Authors
Book generated on Wednesday 27th January 2021
Created at
Kung Fu Haiku
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