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black fingerless gloves
donkey jacket ballet dance
happy bin men whoop
winter stew bubbles
garam masala fingers
house smells middle-class
snow is falling hard
I shall make a huge snowman –
after sleep that is
she came from Narnia
all fur and paranoia
beavers on her mind
dauphins de glace
sur les capots de voiture
l'hiver est là
Santa, re Clause IV:
under common ownership
can I touch my elf?
snow mutes orange dusk
gloves thaw on radiators
I snooze with Grandad
wishing for snowfall
restless in brushed cotton folds
kids listen for bells
Cet hiver tristesse
vent hochets acier froid
longues nuits à venir
in the local pub
by smoking cherry wood fire
she reads by herself
under crisp cold sheets
I whisper all the girls' names
none rhyme with winter
sick bear hibernates
silent mass awaiting spring
watching dark windows
Copyright ©2025 Respective Authors
Book generated on Tuesday 12th January 2021
Created at
Kung Fu Haiku
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