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I'm lost. What bit's you?
We merge like oiled otters
Full of burning ice
Stride purposefully
She likes you in those wellies
Her eyes locked, hungry
Bangum N'Chukum
"see how you like it"
the attraction of revenge
quick, strong, deep, innate
Honoré de Ballsack
lustful apathy
rising off you like the steam
from your builder’s brew
Tits McGee
We had a moment
You took that moment away
Pocket of your coat
Good evening my love
Flaming anus of my heart
I'll see you later
You Talking About My Arse
We will meet again
I can't tell you where or when
In a chilly clinch
Virile Lynne
sharp winter bites but
you give me comforting warmth
my radiator
The Knight Sir Ulian
what is it you need?
could any man’s hands, voice, chest
blanket such sadness?
I like it when you
Close my door when you do that
You barn-born bad boy
The Liberated Landlady
Lonesome lighthouse keeper
Follows the song of the siren
You know how it ends
Salty C
Reinforcement man
Who are you to declare war
On we mad free folk
Spartacus Too
You on the river
Get out of my coracle
Before leaks are sprung
Not A Druid
You observing me
Wending my merry old way
Like your Dutch dad did
Gert Lush
Do you think he knows
His spicy writing glows
Teriyake prose
Patrice Bouchere
you are so alive
it hurts my tongue to taste you
mustn't waste a drop
cruisin' for a brew-sin'
Vegetable peeler
That ancient of drawers, well-worn
I choose you my friend
Coriander Rathbone
Thought you said he worked
kicking life's tyres ain't a job
still envious though
Les, Workshire
I'll add you to my
Vast animal collection
Caged in the desert
The Cornlord
please don’t ask me to
hit you with my rhythm stick
it will end in tears
cupboard full of pipes
i wouldn't if i were you
keep it down good sir
Ted Hughes
playing hard to get
life is empty without you
you feel vibration
KK Rowling
Copyright ©2025 Respective Authors
Book generated on Friday 20th November 2020
Created at
Kung Fu Haiku
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