Created by Various Authors
lonely false widow
abdomen mirroring moon
digests her lover
forest fire –
woodlice ignite
hurled from curl
a pale blue morning
the day spills its first sunbeam
shells in our pockets
Les toiles d'araignées
marquent son chemin du retour.
Un nouveau départ.
mocking prophet
flashing cheerful white and black
where is your mate?
summer sap rises
Pavarotti frog orgies
cars flatten stragglers
from lofty mesa
eyes trace bovine exodus
picking out lame lunch
the river sings
under a heavy velvet sky
prayers to the mud gods
two snakes embracing
camouflage cannot hide them
from cold eyrie gaze
A fly got inside.
Who gave these buzzing dickheads
the power of flight?
Dewdrops on the web
Greetings from our garden friends
Summer company
Humongous Hazel
grows out of her comfort zone
Much shade thrown
spring dawn shatters
machine guns kak-a-kak –
the old cat taunts magpies!
distant bonfire
smell makes tears fall like apples
my youth ripens, rots
farewell Babushka
may your whiskers ever twitch
in the autumn sun
purse full of earwigs
porno, butane, blue plastic bag –
fruits of the forest
stubborn buddleja
brownfield flashes of purple
rise amongst rubble
One uniform shade
Cerulean firmament
Envelop, wrap us
bramble-pierced fingers
the unjoy of gardening
snails gaze, seedling bound
Abandoned orchard
potential cider beckons
corvids eye me up
still night in July
foxes dance on mossy graves
I kiss my first frog
misty leaf-strewn slabs
gusty breezes blow the tufts
the circus leaves town
a week swishes past
puddles form deep, dark, wet, wide
November ghosts
Autumn draws near
forgotten joys of stinging
crystal wings now cracked.
firefly finds female
cradled among golden leaves
they glow strong, steady
snow is falling hard
I shall make a huge snowman –
after sleep that is
a thud on the car
horse-chestnuts already fall
how the year has flown!
More box houses.
The marshes weep as tractors rumble.
Copyright ©2025 Respective Authors
Book generated on Thursday 19th November 2020