Silly Billies
Created by Various Authors
ciderboard me now
we're ciderboarding nigel
your mum will be next
mashed nana for brek
playtime, naptime, TV hour
then it's nuggets time
I'm not a robot
Let me reiterate that
I do sometimes doubt
if you aim rockets
at the greedy womb holder
only blame yourself
like shit in the night
smasher of a bowel movement
Good evening my love
Flaming anus of my heart
I'll see you later
Our most loved quail
Squeeze them a little too much
Supper is sorted
There was a crunch sound
Where did the guinea pig go?
Parker Knoll murder
Put on your make-up
Look nice for Uncle Eric
Then he'll write a song
put on this beret
eat your greens and kiss my feet
laying down the law
Radio singing
Steaming broccoli windows
Zipped into cagoules
Who the heck is Joe?
Why is he sending me signs?
I am more worthless
Yoko Oh-please-no
couldn’t leave a good jam alone
could you ululater?
You on the river
Get out of my coracle
Before leaks are sprung
Wake and kick the dog
Video call with the wife
Then it's killing time
spring '79
hot milkman in denim shorts
sinews brush pampas
Open this sachet
The goodness spills from within
Eat up the dog food
What's that you've got there?
I am by no means up for
anal fissure fun
Me and Stephen Fry,
Reverend, feminist, youth
Walk into a pub
Would you like some lunch?
These chips are microscopic
Why are your balls out?
Mine is too itchy
Your pants. My bum. Big problem.
Stick it up your own
Doorstep recipe:
Fruity nutty Camembert.
Concrete love package
A fly got inside.
Who gave these buzzing dickheads
the power of flight?
All Zoom and gloom.
Look at my big fat bookshelf!
Richard, you’re on mute.
Quizzing with Mikey
Unparalleled fact-spaffing
Prime time blood sport
terrifying child
sweet, primordial monster
my yeasty baby
Person feeding time.
Battered sausage, fish and chips.
Tummy paradise.
In the hospital
Stitch me back together please
Where does this bit go?
she came from Narnia
all fur and paranoia
beavers on her mind
Four tiny monkeys
(Tunkeys) dancing in the night
Fingering petals
Bask in the garden
Behave and await your eggs
Cooked by this angel
Lazy hungry girl
Sells her soul to the Breville.
Tasty triangles.
They came from Spare 'Oom
totally usurped my shit
those damn Pevensies
Made a big entrance
With vast swaying sacks of wind
Gaseous secrets
please don’t ask me to
hit you with my rhythm stick
it will end in tears
Listen to the birds
It is so peaceful
you say banana
fantastic inflorescence
I say bañana
Sudocrem good time
the swarfega of skincare
industrial tub
sideburns i have known
never once felt more alive
oh, the box of hair
step one: flood a cave
you have locked in all your friends
mozzarella dreams
sayonara shitbags!
this is my dick and it's mine!
cheese and onion crisps
first cousins don't count
armoire up a spiral stair
squash my face again
gherkin gherkin toes
get in the shower at once
friendly tippex boy
Egg coated in cum
"Throw it in my old sausage!"
Cook it well for Dad
Conker game right now
my tenner, your sevener
bruised brittle boy bits
just a small town girl
nine eleven was a hoax
fancy a balloon?
Copyright ©2025 Respective Authors
Book generated on Thursday 19th November 2020